Review: Lord John and the Hand of Devils by Diana Gabaldon
Lord John and the Hand of Devils by Diana Gabaldon
My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Not really Gabaldon’s greatest work, but an easy read if you want to have the complete story of Lord John Grey. This really isn’t a novel, but rather a short story and two novellas. Lord John and the Succubus, one of the novellas was a rather amusing look at the germanic lore of the era. Where Lord John and the Soldier’s Ghost had some interesting insights into the harsh religious practices of the 1700’s Methodists, not to mention the politics! Not really much of a ghost story though. The ghost only made a brief cameo appearance and was never mentioned again! Actual fact, none of these stories are really essential to either the Lord John or the Outlander series. You can easily give them a miss and not feel like you’re missing a thing!